The PC28-3G is powered by a 6.7-litre 320hp 238kw, inline six Cummins ISB6.7 which is certified to the world’s toughest on-highway diesel emission standard, Euro 6, which achieves near-zero emissions. Cummins designs, develops, and supports every component from the air intake to the exhaust after treatment to work as an integrated system – so every function is optimised better than other engine manufacturers.

The latest Allison Transmission now featuring retarder provides retardation-style braking capabilities.
- The retarder delivers increased safety and control.
- Lowered operational expenses from a reduction in repair and maintenance.
- Improved user experience.
- Reduced noise in urban areas compared to an engine braking system.
- The transmission has 6 forward speeds. Speed Limited to 80km/hr.

Huge Lifting Capacity
With a 28t maximum lift on the lug and 27.6t on the hook block, the TIDD PC28-3G delivers outstanding lifting capacities for improved efficiency and greater lift options, setting a new benchmark in the industry. Moving from the stationary chart to the pick and carry chart is as simple as turning off the hold brake. You can now lift more and move more safely without compromise. Including more powerful front suspension cylinders, lifting capacity has increased by an average of 17% when articulated or working on a side slope and in some cases by over 40% in lifting performance.
The optional 1.1t Superlift counterweight will increase lift capacity.

Full Power Boom
With the 18.65 metre full power boom, a 75 percent stationary chart for heavy lifts, and a 66 percent pick and carry chart, the TIDD PC28 3G packs a massive punch. Made from Swedish high-tensile steel, telescopic sections one and two are fully synchronised and provide hook compensation. Telescopic section three is independently operated with its own hydraulic cylinder.
The winch featuring a single line pull of 4.6 tonne provides the largest capacity option in its class.

The Ultimate in Comfort
From the ergonomically designed forward mounted ROPs style cabin, with two-door configuration and ducted air conditioning, to the 150kg rated air suspension seats, 3-point safety belts, and optional refrigerated compartment this crane is designed for comfort over long hours, helping to reduce operator fatigue.